
In-Kind Donations
Host a Gathering
In-Kind Donations
MATCH accepts and appreciates many types of in-kind donations:
  • Frequent Flyer Miles (enough for a ticket) to help bring children from across
  • the country to see their mothers.
  • Toys, games, books, watches, jewelry, and other items for our Birthday Closet where Moms choose a present to give to their children on their birthday.
  • Gift cards to Target, Wal-Mart, and grocery stores for birthday presents and to purchase treats for special events like the parenting class graduation party
  • Books to send home with children after they have read them with their mothers.
  • Food donations for our Mother’s Day Dinner, Winter Celebration, and other special events.
  • Office supplies (paper, printer cartridges, etc.)
  • Gift cards to fast food restaurants for families traveling to Raleigh for visits
  • School supplies for children K-12. We always need more donations of things that older students can use, e.g., index cards, pens, calculators, graph paper, binders, folders, paperback dictionaries and thesauruses.
  • If you are considering an in-kind donation, please call our office at (919) 828-4767 to make sure that it meets our current needs and prison guidelines.

Our dedicated volunteers are the heart of MATCH: both in the service they perform and the love they show to the MATCH Moms and children. We have a variety opportunities for people who wish to volunteer.

Each MATCH visit is supervised by two volunteers. They observe the visit to make sure that all policies of MATCH and the prison are followed. They report to the MATCH staff the good parenting skills and any issues of concern that they notice.
Volunteers are asked to be available for one three-hour visit each month. Most visits occur on the weekends, but there are some weekday visits, also, especially during the summer and school holiday breaks. Volunteers can sign-up for designated visitation slots in advance or when available based on your schedule/convenience. The Executive Director provides a monthly announcement with scheduled visitation sign-up.

Sometimes caregivers are not able to bring children to Raleigh for visits. Volunteers drive the children to their visit and are then free to explore the city for 3 hours. They then take the children back home.

MATCH has many opportunities for people to tell our story to a variety of groups, including churches, women’s organizations, and civic clubs. Speakers are needed from all areas of the state. Training and materials for speakers are provided.

Members of the following committees help MATCH provide our services and maintain the support that we need:
  • Finance
  • Program
  • Fund Development

The MATCH Board of Directors directs all aspects of the program. Each year we are looking for people who can provide significant guidance and support to the organization.
All volunteer positions require a criminal background check and training by MATCH, which is scheduled as needed throughout the year.
Visit supervisors and anyone entering the prison for special events must also complete the Prison Volunteer Training.
Host a Gathering

The idea is quite simple: you host a gathering in your home (or at the venue of your choosing), give your guests some information about the ways that MATCH impacts the lives of incarcerated women and their children, and offer them an opportunity to make a donation to MATCH.

The details of the party are left entirely up to you: the date, the menu, the ambiance, the number of guests-BBQ and Beans or Beef Bourguignon and Bananas Foster; four or forty of your closest friends; a costume ball or a friendly game of volleyball-it’s entirely up to you!
Our goal is not simply to raise funds, but also to increase awareness about the wonderful ways that MATCH is changing the lives of children and their mothers.

We will provide you with a party pack that includes as many invitations as you request, a few party ideas compiled by other MATCH volunteers, and some information to share with your guests about the program (including ways they can become volunteers.) You may also have a MATCH staff person or board member there to share stories and information.
To receive more information, call the MATCH office at (919)828-4767
 Invite Us to Speak

Mothers and Their Children would love to send a speaker to your organization or church to tell you about our program and the volunteer opportunities that exist with us.
Please call (919) 828-4767 or email MATCH for further information.

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